WEBINAR SERIES - 10 Steps to a Perfect Season Opener
How to effectively plan and execute a perfect season opener in 10 easy steps
There are a myriad of steps and elements to cover to ensure that you are ready for an upcoming season. Between reviewing last years numbers, making tweaks to your menu and pricing, reviewing your employees and planning your launch party, there are a number of important elements that can slip through the cracks.
In this FREE1 hour webinar, Steve Christensen touches on a 10 step program to help you and your employees systemically dot the I's and cross the Ts to be ready for a great summer season.
Downloadable PDF, excel food cost spreadsheet and audio file are also available.
Video - 10 Steps to a Perfect Season Opener
Slide Desk - 10 Steps to a Perfect Season opener
Food Costs excel Spreadsheet
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